
Lumos Receives US$400K Phase 1 Milestone Payment from Hologic

19 June 2024
Lumos Diagnostics announced this week that it has received US$400,000 payment from Hologic for completion of the Phase 1 milestone under the Hologic Development Agreement, announced on 11 January 2024.

On 6 May 2024, Lumos announced it had achieved completion of milestones relating to Phase 1 under the Development Agreement. This revenue will be recognized in the current financial year, FY2024, with US$0.2 million recognized in Q3 and the remaining US$0.2 million booked into Q4.

Lumos CEO and Managing Director, Doug Ward commented, "We were happy to report completion of this milestone in May, highlighting that all was moving in the right direction under this important agreement with Hologic. The associated payment further strengthens our cash position."

Click here to read today's ASX release.

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